
RetroSkier’s Vintage & Retro Ski Collection


70’s Freestyle

Hot Doggin’, the birthplace of expression, creativity and new technology in skiing. Check out the skis, boots, gear and gizmo’s of the 70s!


80’s & 90’s Radical Rides

You don’t have to take you clothes off to have a good time when you have neon & day glow! Spec out our gnarly collection of retro gear -


Monoski Madness

Do you practice safe skiing by keeping your legs together? Or are you just enough of a manly man or girly girl to monoski?


Velocity Speed

Maybe these skis have traveled faster than you’ve driven? You don’t need to be a risk taker; but sometimes, you just have to say ___


K2 ‘Candy Stripe’ Collection

It was a time of bright rainbows and winters of love. Freestylin’ in jumpsuits of stretch knit, nylon and neoprene with skis and gear to match it all. Come


Red, White & Blue K2

The K2 Ski Corp of Vashion Island has always true to the Red, White, and Blue. Check out these patriotic boards


Royal Flushes

You have your favorite ski. I’ll bet you have your favorite brand. Loyalty is a good thing


I Love Boots!

Feet are like snowflakes, no two are alike! What led up to the boots you wear today. Props to great skiers who survived in vintage gear!



Extinction is part of the evolutionary process; especially in snow sports! What died and what survived


Shot Ski!

The universe is a hologram from the smallest of small to the largest of large. Shot ski are in similar quantum entanglement from our 266cm jumping skis to the micro-ski shot ski!

Got Gear? Want to share it? Want to stop hiding your stuff in the closet?

Time to let that vintage stuff breathe, show us what you have!